Christel House Academy South & Watanabe HS
Bus riders: Miller Transportation is our bus company. The dispatch number is 317-244-8599.
Bus riders will arrive at school at 8:15am and report to the cafe for breakfast. Click here to see the bus stop times.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
We’re now offering different options for morning drop off.
AM car line drop off: If you would like to drop your child off in the car line, you can drop off your child at door #1 between 8:15am and 8:40am. Students who arrive between 8:15 and 8:35 will report to the cafe for breakfast. Students who arrive between 8:35 and 8:40 will get a grab and go breakfast on their way to class.
AM drop off in the building: If you would like to walk your child in to the school in the morning, you can enter door #14 (the gym doors) between 8:25am and 8:38am. Families will follow the path through the new walkway into the elementary hallway. Door #14 will lock at 8:39 and students will have to enter door #1 after that time.
PM dismissal: All students will be dismissed in the car line in the afternoon.
*Student drivers: High school students who drive to school will park in the gravel lot south of the football field, and enter door #14 until 8:38am. At that time, students will enter through door #1. Student drivers must submit a copy of their driver’s license and insurance card to receive a parking pass. You can get the parking pass from Ms. Salcedo.
Christel House Academy West
Bus riders: Miller Transportation is our bus company. The dispatch number is 317-244-8599.
Bus riders will arrive at school at 8:15am and report to the cafe for breakfast.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:
AM car line drop off: All students will be dropped off in the car line this year. Students can be dropped off starting at 8:15am, and will go straight to the cafe or gym. Students who arrive at 8:40pm will need to sign in at the front office.
PM dismissal: All students will be dismissed in the car line starting at 3:35pm. Car pickup will be in the same line as the drop off line. Each car will have a sign for the front window with their students’ name. Students will be escorted to the car as their car pulls up in the lane.
Early dismissal: Early dismissal sign out ends at 3:15pm.
Dismissal plan changes: Changes to dismissal plans must be called in by 3:00pm