Exciting News!
Christel House Indianapolis is proud to announce the national accreditation of IndyTeach by the Association for Advancing Quality Education Preparation.
IndyTeach is a teacher preparation program allowing professionals with a bachelor’s degree to earn their teaching credentials while working as an apprentice teacher in a Christel House classroom. This year-long residency program is based in urban schools and provides an equitable opportunity for those interested in teaching. Apprentices are paid a salary and benefits and are not charged any tuition costs.
IndyTeach was launched in 2017 to combat the difficulties the network experienced with the teacher shortage facing many schools across the country. We currently have 20 IndyTeach alumni teaching in the Christel House network, and seven apprentices that we will hopefully transition into licensed teaching positions next year.
The program has undergone growth due to the interest expressed by other schools and districts. One IPS school is now hosting teaching apprentices in the hopes of growing a strong, licensed teaching staff.
If you’d like to learn more about IndyTeach, please reach out to the program director Marian Walsh at mwalsh@chschools.org.
Title IV Information
Christel House Indianapolis is seeking a waiver of Sec. 4106(e)(2)(C-E) (Title IV,A) which requires LEAs with a Title IV, Part A allocation of $30,000 or more to utilize on well-rounded education (minimum of 20% of funds), safe and healthy education (minimum of 20% of funds), and technology integration (some funds). Our waiver requests the flexibility to spend all funds in the category or categories identified with the most need. Our current request will utilize 100% of Title IV funds under the safe and healthy education focus area to allow us to provide on-site nursing services for students. We are soliciting public comments as it relates to this proposal. Any comments can be sent to csummers@chschools.org.
School Supply ListsAcademy South and Watanabe High School:
Academy West:
K-5 English
K-5 Spanish
6-8 English
6-8 Spanish
HandbooksK-12 Student and Family Handbook:
Spanish (coming soon!)
Spanish (coming soon!)
UniformsUniform shirts can be purchased online, or in person, through School Zone.
Join us at School Zone on Sunday, July 21 for Christel House Day! 12pm-5pm
5425 N. Keystone Ave, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46220
https://goschoolzone.com/ (We will send a message to families when it's ready!)
Student Uniform Policy:
Shirts: Polo shirt with the CH logo, or school-approved spirit wear shirt or sweatshirt bearing the CH logo, tucked into pants.
Grades K-5 wear navy blue polos
Grades 6-8 wear royal blue polos
Grades 9-12 wear black polos
Pants: Khaki or black pants, shorts (must not be shorter than three inches above the knee, or skort (must not be shorter than three inches above the knee. Solid navy blue or black leggings or tights may be worn under skorts).
Shoes: Tennis or athletic shoes
Optional: Grade-appropriate color sweatshirt or fleece bearing the CHI logo, or a solid navy, royal, or black cardigan sweater with no logos or designs.
Students may wear other school-issued clothing (such as athletic team jerseys or warm-up gear, cheer uniforms, class t-shirts, etc.) as appropriate and approved by the Principal or athletics department.
If you need assistance completing your child's registration please contact the school office or our Enrollment Specialist, Cristian Gomez.
CHA South and WHS: 317-783-4690
CHA West: 317-783-4901
Cristian Gomez: 317-721-2156
Immunization Requirements
We Live To Learn.
Our mission is to create empowering opportunities for all students and alumni through an equitable and exceptional education, helping them actualize their aspirations and develop skills that prepare them for life beyond the classroom.
The Education Your Child Deserves: Enroll
Enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year is still open. All applications received after open enrollment will be placed directly on the waitlist. Families Interested in applying should contact our Enrollment Specialist, Cristian Gomez at cgomez@chschools.org or call 317-721-2156.
The mission of the Christel House Athletic department is to inspire and equip the athletes of Christel House to excel in athletics while developing character and leadership traits that prepare the student for life after high school.
IndyTeach: Preparing the Next Generation of Teachers
IndyTeach is about one thing - preparing talented college graduates to become exemplary urban teachers. IndyTeach is an alternative teacher preparation program unlike any other teacher prep program in Indiana. Christel House Indianapolis and IndyTeach are committed to helping prepare educators to better serve students.
Preparation for College and Beyond: College and Careers
Our college and career program works with students to plan for post-high school education and jobs. Whether a student goes to college or straight into a career after graduation, CHA stays in regular contact with that student, either the duration of their time in college, or the first few years of their career.
Christel House DORS: A High School For Adults
Christel House DORS is a tuition-free high school for adults over the age of 18 who still need to earn a high school diploma. Students can earn college credit at Ivy Tech, while completing high school course requirements if they are academically eligible.
Make a Donation
Support the transformative power of education at Christel House Indianapolis. 100% of donations support programs and services for Christel House Indianapolis students. Overhead and fundraising costs for Christel House are covered by the organization’s Founder.
What's Happening
Christel House Indianapolis at a Glance
We are proud to be one of the first charter schools in the state of Indiana with over twenty years of experience.
One hundred percent of our graduates receive acceptance into a 4 year college/university.
We have seven schools across three campuses and currently serve over 2,102 students.
Our average student to faculty ratio is ten to one.
One hundred percent of our educators hold a bachelor’s or master's degree.
We provide resources and assistance to our students for up-to five years after graduation.